Friday, January 16, 2009

American Idol

Believe it or not, it’s only recently that I am discovering TV and reconnecting with the world! In my last few years of traveling i had no access to TV, so it’s only now that i am catching up, and discovering some simple pleasures of life. Friends, BBC news, Larry King Live, the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and the best CNN Political Team, and offcourse the one and only E-Channel!

I found so much nice information and inspiration in these shows, and I enjoyed so much too the American Campaign coverage, and watching all the inspiring Obama speeches and stories. I like it, i feel connected to the world and I am no more left out in the dark. At least now I know that Rachel ended up with Joey, and that Oprah has gained back weight again!

But yesterday, I had a new huge discovery: the American Idol! I watched a long episode of it for the first time of my life. And from that moment my life would never be the same again!

I admit that I am facinated by the American freedom and creativity, and find them very inspiring and alive people, and funny too! In American Idol, everything is creative and fun, the judges are fun, the contestants are fun, the scenes are fun and the way they make up and present stories out of everything is just so funny! I love how each character jumps into the scene and doesn’t mind being totaly gorgeous, or totally jerk!

And so.. i got inspired.. and i decided to participate too.. why not?
Jihad the next American Idol. Yes We Can! :)

And so I went to the audition.

I walked in, I admit I was a bit nervous. After all it’s the first time I sing.
The judges (Randy, Paula, Kara and Simon) looked at me strange.

  • Simon asked me: so whats your name?
  • Me: Jihad
  • Simon: Jihad, like.. djihad?
  • Me: euhhh.. yes
  • Simon: hmm.. so what will you sing today Jihad?
  • Me: Redemption song, from Bob Marley
  • Kara: Ok, nice song, go ahead
  • Me: Old Pirates yes they rob I...
  • Simon: Thank you, please stop. That was absolutely terrible.
  • Randy: Yes, I am affraid it’s a big No
  • Kara: you know Jihad, you’re a nice guy, but the voice, the voice. Its just not working.
  • Paula: It's a defnite No! Nice to meet you.

And so I walked out from the audition room, broken heart. I couldnt make it to Hollywood!

But I didnt give up. I asked the Force of the Spirit to help me and to undo my first audition. And so I had another chance. Youppii.

I walked in again to the audition room, this time I was a bit more sure of myself.

  • Simon: so your name is Jihad.. what do you work Jihad?
  • Me: oh I do relief work with NGOs
  • Kara: nice work Jihad. So what will you sing today?
  • Me: Imagine, from John Lennon.
  • Kara: good song, go ahead.
  • Me: Imagine there is no heaven, its easy if you try...
  • Simon: well its easier if you stop trying to sing!
  • Randy: I am sorry but i’ll have to agree with Simon.
  • Kara: you know you’re a nice guy, but the voice, the voice, its just not working!
  • Paula: Am sorry Jihad. We can't let you in!

I cant believe it. I failed again to make it to Hollywood. I was so broken heart. My life seemed meaningless.

But I couldnt give up. And i kept singing to myself : “Get up stand up, dont give up the fight!” And so I asked the Force of the Spirit to help me again and undo my last audition. “Please Holy Spirit Please, please help me I am your servant”. The Spirit finally had pity on me and agreed, but made it clear that it was my last chance.

Ahh.. i have to make it this time!

And so I walked to the audition again. This time i had nothing to loose. I was just myself, wearing my rasta scarf, even my old sandals.
The judges smiled to me.

  • Simon: So Jihad.. do you think you can be the next American Idol?
  • Me: Yes We Can!
  • Kara: thats the spirit! So what will you sing to us today?
  • Me: I Can See Clearly Now from Jimmy Cliff.
  • Kara: great, I love this song.
  • Me: I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that made me blind
    Its gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin’ day
  • Simon: You know what? I like you! I think you have style.
  • Randy: That was absolutely fantastic.
  • Kara: Oh I love your spirit. And your voice, your voice, it is just so good!
  • Paula: I would say absolutely Yes!
  • Randy: Yes, 100%
  • Kara: Big Yes
  • Simon: you’ve got 4 yes!


I made it to Hollywood! I am so happy. I am the next American Idol.
Yes We Can!



May all your dreams come true!

1 comment:

Asri Wijayanti said...

hahaha... this one is fun!
i can't believe that you watch american idol beebzzzz... i can't believe it before i see with my own eyes! :))
yup, it's gonna be a bright, bright, sunshining day...